Generate custom box with packmolΒΆ

This tutorial explains how to generate a box (.pdb file) with different species (e.g. a solute and a solvent mixture).

Lets assume we want to generate a cubic box (30x30x30 Angstroms) containing a solute molecule in its center and surrounded by a mixture of two different molecules (e.g. water and ethanol).

  1. Generate a .pdb file for the individual species

    (solute.pdb, solvent1.pdb, and solvent2.pdb). This can be done with chimera using an .xyz file.


    Make sure the molecules have different residue names in the .pdb files. Lets say SLU, SV1, and SV2.

  2. Create an input file (packmol.inp) for packmol which will

    generate a .pdb file for the whole solvated system (system.pdb).


    # All atoms from diferent molecules will be at least 2.0 Angstroms apart
    tolerance 2.0
    # The type of the files will be pdb
    filetype pdb
    # The name of the output file
    output system.pdb
    # put the COM of the solute at the center of the box
    structure solute.pdb
      number 1
      fixed 15. 15. 15. 0. 0. 0.
    end structure
    # add first type of solvent molecules
    structure solvent1.pdb
      number 100
      inside cube 0. 0. 0. 30
    end structure
    # add second type of solvent molecules
    structure solvent2.pdb
      number 100
      inside cube 0. 0. 0. 30
    end structure


    Be sure to modify the dimension of the box, the number of molecules to add, and the file names to your convenience.

  3. Run packmol:

    ./pathto/packmol < packmol.inp

If you have put to many molecules in the box, packmol might fail to converge. For more information, check the packmol documentation.