Generate .mol2 file for leap and Amber

This tutorial explains how to generate a .mol2 file and eventually a .frcmod file that can be used by leap to create input files for molecular dynamics with Amber.


When setting up files for Amber calculations, the residue names can be of great importance. Try to be as consistent as possible during those steps with the name of the residues (in the original .pdb file also use the -rn option of antechamber).

Method 1: directly from a .pdb file

You can use the antechamber program to generate a .mol2 file from a molecule.pdb file. Just run antechamber as follows:

module load amber/14
antechamber -i molecule.pdb -fi pdb -o molecule.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc -nc 0 -m 1

Method 2: Use RESP charges from Gaussian

It might be better to use RESP charges obtained from a Gaussian calculations to generate the .mol2 file (see this tutorial for the generation of RESP charges). In this case the .mol2 file is obtained by calling antechamber in the following way:

antechamber -i electrostatic_grid.log -fi gout -o solute.mol2 -fo mol2 -c resp -nc 0 -m 1 -rn MOL

Extra parameters

Some extra parameters might be required. They can be obtained in a .frcmod file with parmchk as:

parmchk -i solute.mol2 -f mol2 -o solute.frcmod

Antechamber options

It might be convenient to look at the options from antechamber:

antechamber -h